aysun bora

“If you don’t burn, if I don’t burn, if we don’t burn, how can the darkness be brought into light…” said Nazim Hikmet.
It is the duty of journalists to shed light on injustices and hold power accountable. I was always a rigid question-asker. That is why I studied Journalism, Film and Media at the University of Stirling. Now, as a fresh graduate, I am ready to specialise in Global Financial Journalism. With this Masters, I will develop the skillset to uncover and investigate international financial and political stories.
I am a multimedia multicultural journalist. I grew up in Germany as a daughter of Turkish immigrants and then moved to Scotland to pursue my undergraduate degree. The cultural blend I grew up with gives me a unique perspective. This is especially so as Middle Eastern culture is still misrepresented in the media. I want to contribute to changing that, and hope to use my questions for good and help create a media that is more representative of all.