Aziz Foundation announces editorial fellowships at the evening standard and independent
28 May 2023

The Aziz Foundation is happy to announce it is offering Editorial Fellowships, one each at the Evening Standard and the Independent, for exceptional British Muslims looking to develop a career in Journalism.
As part of its commitment to increase the representation of British Muslims within journalism, the Foundation works to provide work opportunities to help British Muslims gain the skills, knowledge and expertise required to secure employment as journalists. By working with a number of organisations, the Foundation hopes to improve access and representation for Muslim communities in traditionally underrepresented sectors.
The Editorial Fellow will have the opportunity to gain experience in research, reporting in the newsroom and on the ground, and contributing to social media channels. A demonstrable commitment to the media and experience across print and digital platforms is necessary for the role.
The deadline to apply for this internship isย 12pm noon at 26 June 2023. The Fellowships are due to run for a six month duration.
We are grateful to the Evening Standard and Independent for their support in this process and their dedication towards improving the opportunities available for underrepresented communities to pursue careers in journalism. We look forward to continuing our work together to ensure that newsrooms can be more diverse and representative.