Aziz Foundation Welcomes New Scholars and Reconnects with Alumni
28 September 2021

This weekend the Aziz Foundation was delighted to host its annual induction-cum-networking event.
The agenda was packed on Sunday afternoon, beginning with a welcome for the latest cohort of scholarship recipients, including a speech from keynote speaker and trustee of the Foundation, Rahima Aziz. The scholars had an opportunity to network within their three streams, law, policy, and media, before taking a short break.
Upon resuming, and being joined by Aziz alumni from over the years, they were privy to the spiritually uplifting words of Shaykh Sulayman Van Ael, who reminded them of the importance of balance in their commitments. This was followed by a panel discussion focused on ‘Moving Up: How to be a collective force for the greater good’, and the importance of greater Muslim engagement and presence within the three streams. Chairing the discussion was alumnus and burgeoning freelance journalist, Tanjil Rashid. He was joined by Sultana Tafadar, barrister and chair of the Muslim Lawyers Action Group; Rakaya Esime Fetuga, a poet and performer; Aida Mugabo, senior policy adviser; and last but certainly not least, Channel 4’s very own Zahra Warsame. The guests and chair made fantastic contributions and shared relevant life experiences to inspire their audience.
The last portion of the event was dedicated to networking within areas of interest. Scholars and alumni alike had the opportunity to get to know one another, sharing their career and community aspirations, and their words of wisdom.
All in all the event appeared a huge success. Scholars and alumni came away informed on what was expected from them; energised to address issues facing Muslims in the workplace; and inspired to enter their fields, whether by way of education or employment.
The Aziz Foundation looks forward to hosting its next networking event in the near future.