Aziz inclusion award shortlist announced
13 July 2023

he Aziz Foundation can now announce the shortlist for its inaugural Inclusion Award. The Award celebrates, on an annual basis, one of the Foundation’s University Partners that have demonstrated excellence in accommodating British Muslim students.
The longlist of seven institutions was announced in April. These were nominated by Aziz scholars and alumni.
A panel of judges has recently convened to decide on the shortlist, basing its decisions on the evidence and testimonies submitted by nominated institutions.
The judge’s verdict is that the following universities ought to be shortlisted, and therefore move to the final round:
- Goldsmiths, University of London
- The University of Sheffield
- University of Law
- University of Warwick
The Panel would like to congratulate the shortlisted institutions. Moreover, the Foundation would like to thank the external judges on the panel for their insights and support. These were Nahid Roshanali, Universities Coordinator at Islamophobia Awareness Month, and Ayesha Ahmed, Aziz mentor and Public Affairs professional.
The winner and runner up is due to be announced in September.