MLAG hosts event on Applying for the Judiciary supported by the Aziz Foundation
18 January 2022

The Muslim Lawyers Action Group (MLAG) and the Aziz Foundation are holding a series of events to provide an overview of the judicial appointments process with members of the judiciary to engage, inspire and encourage legal professionals to apply for judicial posts.
The panel speaker event will provide an invaluable opportunity to hear from sitting judges on their experiences, the application process and representation within the judiciary and what this means for wider communities.
Speakers are as follows:
- Sapnara Khatun, Crown Court Judge
- Ahmed Nadim, Crown Court Judge
- Raffia Arshad, Deputy District Judge
- Atiyah Malik, Tribunal Judge
- Sultana Tafadar (Chair), Barrister, No5 Chambers
- Jessica Prandle, JAC Head of Diversity and Engagement
- Nikita Sharma, JAC Head of Targeted Outreach and Research.
The event is taking place over Zoom on 28th January, 18:30hrs. To RSVP please visit the MLAG website.
Applications ought to be made directly to the Naz Legacy Foundation. The deadline for applications is Friday 9th December, 12pm. For instructions on how to apply and the Job Description see here.