New Aziz Scholars attend Induction Day
13 September 2023

The Aziz Foundation hosted an Induction Day for its new scholarship cohort at Imperial College London on 9 Sept 2023. The event gave an opportunity for incoming scholars to network, learn more about the Foundation’s mission, and hear from inspiring speakers and alumni.
They received a powerful message from Trustee Rahima Aziz BEM about the vision of the Aziz Foundation, which is to empower British Muslims to reach their full potential, enabling them to better serve their communities and wider society. The Aziz Foundation team then spoke about the current strategy and objectives of the Foundation.
Panellists Shamima Alom, Student Recruitment Coordinator at University of Greenwich, Keith Houghton, Head of Student Service at The University of Law, and Ibrahim Mohammed Education Influencer and Aziz Alumnus, gave advice and tips around the University Experience, focusing on how scholars can make the most of their time at university.
Keynote speaker Professor Zainab Khan, Pro Vice-Chancellor of Royal Holloway, University of London, then inspired Aziz scholars by sharing her personal experiences in relation to her career journey, and answered concerns surrounding topics like experiencing impostor syndrome and how to network while keeping true to your values.
Scholars then heard from the second keynote speaker, Fadi Itani OBE, who highlighted the importance of understanding the universal message of Islam and the need to serve all communities, including the environment. He challenged scholars to constantly question their intentions and to be faithful to the message of serving all creation.
The day ended with an Alumni Panel, featuring Maryam Dharas., Nazrin Ysmailova, Khaled Oozeer and Nahim Ahmed MBE. The panel shared insightful experiences and guidance to the new cohort.
A final networking event provided a chance for new scholars to meet their peers and discuss the academic year ahead.