The University of Warwick joins Preferred Partner Scheme
06 July 2021

The Aziz Foundation is pleased to announce that it will be offering Master’s scholarships at The University of Warwick for exceptional students, from a British Muslim background, looking to progress onto postgraduate study.
The University of Warwick has become one of the Foundation’s Preferred Partners, having demonstrated its commitment in widening participation, particularly at postgraduate level. The institution has developed a ‘life-cycle approach’ in which it seeks to support students from the beginning of their journey, with their recruitment into undergraduate programmes, through their studies, and beyond, into employment or further study. In 2019, the University launched the Warwick Scholars programme, supporting students from underprivileged backgrounds from school into, through, and beyond, University study.
We are pleased to welcome The University of Warwick as one of our Preferred Partners and look forward to working closely with the university to widen access and increase opportunities at the postgraduate taught level for British Muslim communities.
For more information and to apply please click here.