University of London joins Preferred Partner Scheme
15 December 2022

The Aziz Foundation is delighted to announce that it will be offering Master’s scholarships at University of London, where talented individuals who are demonstrably active within British Muslim communities can receive a scholarship to undertake postgraduate study.
University of London has become one of the Foundation’s Institutional Partners, having demonstrated their commitment to making higher education accessible since its inception. It was the first university to admit students regardless of their gender, race, or religion in 1836 and has actively pursued an equality, diversity and inclusion agenda since.
University of London has shown that it is proactively extending Widening Participation and reducing education inequalities for Black and Minority Ethnic students. The institution’s determination to widening access to education is also reflected in its student body, with over 50,000 students enrolled on flexible and distance-learning programmes.
We look forward to working closely with the university to widen access and increase opportunities at the postgraduate taught level for British Muslim communities.
Details of how to apply and deadlines will be published shortly.