Preferred Partner The University of Sheffield is one of the Aziz Foundation's preferred partners. They share our core values and actively promote Widening Participation at the postgraduate level.
Preferred Partners in Focus:
The University of Sheffield is dedicated to widening participation and ensuring better representation within the university. In early 2019, the University launched its Race Equality Strategy and Action Plan, developed in collaboration with the Students’ Union, with the first objective being to reduce this attainment gap between BAME and White students at the University to zero.
Through its Postgraduate Scholarship programme, the university also provides over 100 awards per year worth £10,000 each for home fee students. The scholarships’ key aim remains to help under-represented groups move into postgraduate study and also reward high achievers.
For a full list of eligible courses, please see the University of Sheffield’s webpage.

The following courses are not eligible for this scheme:
- MArch Architecture
- MArch Architecture and Landscape Architecture
- MArch Architecture: Collaborative Practice
- MMedSci Speech and Language Therapy
- MMedSci Nursing Studies (leading to professional registration as an Adult Nurse)
- MSc Midwifery (with registration as a midwife)
In addition to the above courses, students who meet the following criteria will not be eligible to receive the Scholarship:
- Students in receipt of other University scholarships that are equal to or higher than the value of their
tuition fee - Courses that are funded by the undergraduate funding system or the NHS
- Students in receipt of the Social Work Bursary from the NHS
- Students on an integrated masters e.g. MArch
- Students in receipt of the Sheffield MBA Scholarship
- Students in receipt of the Sheffield Postgraduate Scholarship

Aysha Ulhaq | MA Social Research
How has your experience been of studying at the University of Sheffield so far?
‘I am currently studying a part-time MA in Social Research at the University of Sheffield. Many universities offering this course usually offer it at various discipline specific departments, whereas Sheffield University have a dedicated department for research methods also known as The Sheffield Methods Institute. By studying this specific course at the Sheffield Methods Institute I have gained an insight into interdisciplinary research practice and the challenges facing society today. Sheffield University has a great campus and it’s Student Union is one of the best in the country. I have met people, both at the university and on my course who have studied various different subjects and are researching the most interesting topics to better understand issues facing today’s society.’
What kind of support has been made available to you during your time at the University?
‘The university and my department offered students with a lot of support especially during the pandemic. We have received updates regarding assessments, online learning and teaching quite early on, and the lecturers and department staff respond to queries rather quickly. Unfortunately, the pandemic had a significant impact on my family and I, and I had to take on some extra caring responsibilities. My personal tutor, lecturers and support staff were all extremely accommodating to my needs. We were given a lot of flexibility with deadlines and support with assessments.’
How has your time at the university helped you develop as a British Muslim leader?
‘I pursued this course to gain valuable skills as a social researcher and I wanted to learn more about community based research and learn how to better collaborate with communities. I have gained a lot of knowledge in community based participatory research as well as visual methodologies. As part of my course I have carried out small scale research projects on the Muslim community in Sheffield and will be working to develop my proposal on exploring issues facing British Muslim women later this year.’
Have you been able to access any opportunities that have helped you prepare for a career in your chosen industry?
‘With the support of my personal tutor, I have managed to secure a place at the University of Cambirdge to carry out a PhD on British Muslim women. I will also be working with the Everyday Muslim Heritage Centre to gain training in audio-visual skills and will use visual methodologies to captrue data on Muslim communities in Britain. My research will look at how Muslim women have created and navigated their own social spaces, both physical and virtual, to support their own communities and address issues facing Muslim women.’
Would you recommend postgraduate study at the University of Sheffield to other British Muslims?
‘I would absolutely recommend postgraduate study at Sheffield university. It is a great university, a friendly environment and a diverse city! There is an established Muslim community and lots to get involved in.’