University of Bradford
Preferred Partner University of Bradford is one of the Aziz Foundation's preferred partners. They share our core values and actively promote Widening Participation at the postgraduate level.
Preferred Partners in Focus: university of bradford
University of Bradford, a leader in widening access to higher education in the UK, is well placed to increase access to postgraduate study for British Muslims. Determined to make as inclusive an institution as possible, over 70% of the University’s students are from ethnic minority backgrounds and it recruits a significant proportion of intake from Bradford, where almost one quarter of the local population is Muslim.
The institution aims to eliminate the degree awarding gap as well as the 6.6% progression gap to graduate employment/further study, both by the same year, 2024-25. Programmes and initiatives to ensure this happens include, amongst others, the Bradford Pathways to Academia for Minoritised Ethnicities project (Brad-ATTAIN), which supports internships and summer schools to showcase postgraduate research to Bradford undergraduates, and offers PhD studentships for under-represented groups.
The University offers unconscious bias and EDI training as part of the staff recruitment process. Furthermore, it is committed to a definition of Islamophobia, ensuring that it is tackled in all its forms.
The institution also boasts a multi-faith prayer space, with both a male and female Muslim Faith Advisor providing support to create an atmosphere welcoming to Muslim students.