University of nottingham

Preferred Partner University of Nottingham is one of the Aziz Foundation's preferred partners. They share our core values and actively promote Widening Participation at the postgraduate level.
Preferred Partners in Focus: university of nottingham
In line with its core values, the University of Nottingham incorporates representation of its undergraduate and postgraduate student cohorts on its Widening Participation Advisory Panel. This ensures that under-represented students feed into the institutional strategy in relation to access.
The University has also set itself the goal of eradicating the degree awarding gap by 2030. Furthermore, initiatives such as the Black Industry Connections and Empowerment Programme (BICEP) support minoritised students acquire social capital.
The institution has adopted the APPG on British Muslim’s definition of Islamophobia and delivers micro-learning modules on hate crime through students’ mobile devices. Additionally, there are three Muslim chaplains on campus to cater for students’ faith needs.