widening participation and edi index

We asked our Preferred Partners how they are supporting British Muslim students and here is what they told us:

University Campaigns/Initiatives - (A) WP at PGT level; (B) Unconscious bias training and Awarding Gap; (C) Cultural and Social Support; (D) Tackling Islamophobia
Aston University
(B) Islamophobia incorporated in Bullying & Harassment Policy (C) Level the playing field (BME Mentoring & Talent Bank)
Birkbeck, University of London
(A) Access to Postgraduate Study and Diversity 100 Scholarships (B) Active membership of Advance HE’s Race Equality Charter (C) Wellbeing workshops for BME students (C) Santander Union Black anti-racism online education programme (C) Access to UoL Muslim Chaplain
Birmingham, University of
(A) Postgraduate A2B Scheme (A) PSS legacy (A) PGT Access Scholarship & 125th Anniversary Black British Researcher Scholarship (B) EDI Training for students and staff (B) Inclusive Educator staff training and Race Equality staff training on degree awarding gap (B) Bronze Race Equality Charter Award, Advance HE (C) Two recognised Muslim chaplains (D) Anti-Islamophobia awareness training (in development)
Bournemouth University
(B) Close attainment gap by 2024/25 (C) Black Mentoring Project (B) Mandatory e-learning module for staff on Equality & Diversity (C) Appointment of a Muslim Chaplain (C) Advance HE Race Equality Charter (Bronze Award) (D) Anti-racism policy and training reviewed to incorporate Islamophobia
Bradford, University of
(A) Brad-ATTAIN programme for prospective PG students (B) Aim to close the attainment gap by 2024/25 (B) Mandatory unconscious bias training for all staff (C) Mental health app for South Asian students (C) Both male and female faith advisors in place (D) University statement on Islamophobia, referencing APPG definition
Brunel University London
(A) Young Scholars Programme (A) Urban Scholars Programme (B) Student Success Programme (C) Dedicated Muslim Chaplain (D) Supporter of IAM
City, University of London
(C) Taskforce on the BME student experience (B) Aim to close the attainment gap by 2024/25 (B) Mandatory unconscious bias training for all staff (C) Mental health app for South Asian students (C) Both male and female faith advisors in place (D) University statement on Islamophobia, referencing APPG definition
Coventry University
(C) Research work on intersectionality of race and religion underpins EDI strategy (D) Commitment to adopting APPG definition of Islamophobia (D) Employment of a separate case manager to handle religion related hate crimes (D) Collaboration in the project ‘Building Positive Relationships among University Students across Religion and Worldview Diversity’
Edinburgh, University of
(A) Collaboration with Mastercard Foundation (A) Contextualised Admissions Process (B) Mandatory unconscious bias training for staff (C) Honorary Muslim chaplaincy and faith advisor (D) APPG definition of Islamophobia adopted & Islamophobia working group to embed initiatives to tackle Islamophobia
Essex, University of
(B) Institutional commitment to closing the awarding gap (C) Part of Advance HE’s “Towards Embedding Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Curriculum (C) Curriculum University of Essex (CUE)
Exeter, University of
(A) Success For All Programme (A) Widening Participation In Postgraduate Study working group (C) Individuality Speaker Series (C) Speak Out Guardians (D) Adoption of the Definition of Islamophobia (C) Part of Advance HE’s “Towards Embedding Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Curriculum (C) Curriculum University of Essex (CUE)
Goldsmiths, University of
(C) Racial Justice Goldsmiths Programme (C) Career focused mentoring for BME students (D) Anti-racism training programme for all staff (D) Adoption of the APPG definition of Islamophobia
Greenwich, University of
(A) Fast-Forward Scholarship of PGT students (B) Part of the OfS catalyst project focussed on an inclusive curriculum (C) ‘Do a good deed for Ramadan’ campaign (C) Union Jack: Britain’s Black Cultures and Steps to Anti-Racism online programme (D) Aim in Race Action Plan to capture more data in relation to faith (D) The institution has become a supporter of IAM (Islamophobia Awareness Month)
Hertfordshire, University of
(B) Commitment to half the awarding gap by half within five years (C) BME Advocates scheme (D) Working towards an agreed definition of Islamophobia
Glasgow Caledonian University
(A) Caledonian Club (A) Contextualised admissions policy (B) Unconscious Bias online course (C) Faith and Belief Centre with Chaplaincy (C) Muslim Chaplain in place (D) Member of Advance HE’s Tackling Racism on Campus Initiative
Jesus College, University of Oxford
(A) Access & Outreach scheme for British Pakistani & Bangladeshi students (A) Parent Power Cardiff: raising aspirations amongst British Somali Population (C) Study Skills Fellow (D) Training given by EDI Inclusion Fellow
Keele University
(A) Institutional aim to increase proportion of BAME PG students so it is in line with UG student population (B) Race Equality Charter, Bronze Award (B) EDI, unconscious bias and allyship training/ modules for all staff (B) Race Equality allies programme (B) Race Equality Mentoring Programme (Reverse mentoring) (B) Senior Management working closely with Decolonise Keele Network (C) Muslim chaplain in place and working with Race Equality Officer to provide training (D) NeverOK campaign with educational videos on microagressions
King's College London
(A) Institutional aim to increase proportion of (B) Commitment to close awarding gap by 2024/25 (C) Review of Student Services in respect to BME engagement (D) Adoption of Chris Allen’s definition of Islamophobia
Kingston University London
(B) Addressing awarding gap through granular approach (C) Inclusive Curriculum Framework and consultants (C) Development of Kingston Hill Faith Centre (C) Muslim faith advisor in place
Liverpool, University of
(A) Postgraduate Opportunity Bursary (A) “Kick it Out Scholarship Programme” (B) Unconscious bias training for staff (B) Target to close awarding gap by 2024/5 (A) Contextual admissions strategy aimed at PG access (C) Muslim chaplain in place (C) WP Team – BAME Students mentoring programme & Liverpool Advocates (B) Institution wide qualitative survey through race specific lens
London Southbank University
(A) No Barriers to Brilliance campaign (C) Collaboration with the Bridge Group (B) Unconscious bias training for staff (B) Target to close awarding gap by 2024/5 (A) Contextual admissions strategy aimed at PG access (C) Muslim chaplain in place (C) WP Team – BAME Students mentoring programme & Liverpool Advocates (B) Institution wide qualitative survey through race specific lens
Manchester Metropolitan University
(A) Inclusive Learning Communities Project – As I Am campaign (A) BAME Ambassadors scheme (B) BME Manifesto (B) Unconscious Bias training being introduced for all recruitment managers (C) Female Muslim chaplain in place (D) SU Staff runs programmes with MEND
Murray Edwards College
(A) WP with Star Academies (A) WP with Mulberry School for Girls (B) Race Equality training for staff and students (C) MEC Race Equality Fellow (C) MEC Race Equality Working Group (C) Gateway Programme
Northumbria University
(A) Recent launch of Social Mobility Impact Report (A) University Supported Entry Scheme (B) Developing materials around decolonising the curriculum (B) Promoting Unconscious Bias training (C) Leading on OfS Mental Health Analytics project (C) Bronze Race Equality Charter Award (D) Mandatory E&D training for all staff (D) Collaboration with Newcastle University on Islamophobia in the North East report
Nottingham, University of
(A) WP Advisory Panel incorporating UG & PG students (B) Institutional aim to eradicate awarding gap by 2030 (C) Bronze Race Equality Charter status (C) Black Industry Connections and Empowerment Programme (BICEP) (C) Three Muslim Chaplains in place (D) Micro-learning module on hate crime and faith discrimination (D) Adoption of APPG definition of Islamophobia
Salford, University of
(A) Information and access webinars for prospective PGT students from WP backgrounds (B & C) ELEVATE: pilot scholarship and support programme for BME media students (C) Talk Talk BAME Mentoring programme (D) Multi-Faith Centre with Muslim Chaplain (D) Work with MEND Manchester to host workshops on Islamophobia
Sheffield, University of
(A) Sheffield Postgraduate Scholars (PSS scheme legacy) (B) Aim to reduce Attainment Gap to zero (B) Integrating and making mandatory Implicit Bias Training (C) Mentoring and work experience opportunities targeted towards BAME students (C) Muslim chaplain in place (D) Working towards adoption of the definition of Islamophobia (D) The institution has become a supporter of IAM (Islamophobia Awareness Month)
SOAS, University of London
(B) Aim to eliminate awarding gap by 2025
St Andrews, University of
(B) Equality and unconscious bias training for staff (D) Part of Universities Scotland Steering Group on tackling racism
Stirling, University of
(B) Equality and unconscious bias training for staff (D) Part of Universities Scotland Steering Group on tackling racism
Sunderland, University of
(B) EDISR – All senior managers receive tailored training on race, ethnicity & white privilege;(B) Cultural competency toolkit with student input available to all staff (B) Unconscious bias training for all new staff and those that sit on recruitment panels (B) Aim to eliminate awarding gap by 2029/30 (C) University’s Decolonising Group formed (C) Muslim chaplain in place and prayers facilities in multi-faith Centre
Sussex, University of
(A) Piloting BAME Student Ambassador’s programme (B) Unconscious bias training (B) Inclusive Sussex: Reducing the degree awarding gap (C) Inclusive Sussex: Improving the experience and representation of BAME students (C) Muslim Chaplain in place (A) Anti-racism pledge (C) EDI Champions scheme (C) Social Inclusion strategy
The University of Law
(A) BME advocates scheme (B) Racial Literacy Training (provided by Empower My Voice) (C) IBelong Club
(A) Review of contextual offer criterion to better support students from WP background (B) New BAME Awarding Gap Faculty lead appointed (B) Establishment of Inequalities Task and Finish Group (C) UCL Public Value Project (C) Religion and Belief Equality Policy
(A) Positive Action Scholarships (A) ‘100 in 10′ Initiative (PhD Scholarships) (B) Goal to eliminate the awarding gap by 2024 (B) Mandatory unconscious bias training for all new staff members (B) Inclusive Curriculum Health Check (C) Student Partners review project
Warwick, University of
(A) Warwick Scholars programme (A) Warwick Taught Masters Scholarship Scheme (B) Unconscious bias training (C) Muslim chaplain in place (B) EDI audit of development team (C) EDI Champions programme (C) Social Inclusion Strategy
Westminster, University of
(A) 125 Fund programme (B) Unconscious Bias Training (C) Education and Training Innovation Centre – Decolonising/ diversifying the curriculum (D) Interfaith advisor with qualification from MIHE
Winchester, University of
(A) Postgraduate Access Scholarships Scheme (A) Sanctuary scholarships/ CARA Fellowships (B) Targeted approach to Degree Awarding Gap (C) Research into British Muslim experience (C) Winchester Muslim Student Guide (D) Race Equality Charter/ anti-racist statement
Wolfson College, University of Cambridge
(A) Funds one ‘Get in Cambridge’ scholarship per year with the Cambridge Trust – for Black/ Bangladeshi British background (A) Co-fund one Cambridge Opportunities Masters (A) Rowan Williams PG scholarships for displaced students (A) CB Mentoring scheme/ Saturday school for Black heritage pupils (B) Equality & Diversity Essentials training/ Let’s Talk about Race & Racism scheme (C) Research Hub on Race, Ethnicity, and Cultural Heritage (REACH) (D) Adopting the Definition of Islamophobia
York, University of
(B) Unconscious bias training in recruitment and training selection (C) Open Door Practitioner to support BME students (C) Race Equality Coordination Group instituting an anti-racism approach (D) Aim to adopt definition of Islamophobia
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