Yaman Mohammed Hmidan

Yaman Mohammed


I'm a British-Palestinian Muslim journalist raised in London. My dad is a journalist, which opened my eyes to the service journalists can provide to their communities and the values they believe in by pursuing such careers. My passion for journalism started from a young age, but I really honed it in during the Ramadan 2021 outbreaks of violence in Masjid Al-Aqsa (Jerusalem Mosque). I saw that the truth needed to be told and communicated through the right mediums to audiences all around the world, and that is when I realised what I wanted to be.

To achieve my goals, I am currently completing an MA in Podcasting (Journalism) at City St. George's, University of London. I aim to build a digital media hub which unites all independent Muslim content creators, podcasters, journalists and influencers through one bond: combatting anti-Muslim hate across the UK and the western world.

Additionally, I am committed to supporting charity work wherever I am. I take pride in volunteering for organisations such as Action for Humanity and Syria Relief.

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